YOM Face and Body Shaping, Appearance Shaping, Fengshui, Kar

With vigorous development of medical cosmetology, face and body shaping, appearance shaping, and transfiguring based on Yi-ology Medicine (YOM) come into being. Guided by the Yi-ology Medicine (YOM) theory and based on physiognomy, numerology and Fengshui theories (i.e. physiognomy, palmistry, and phrenology), YOM Face and Body Shaping, with bare hand bone-setting techniques, relieve ailments and normal deficiencies while adjusting appearance and bone type, maintaining, repairing and shaping beautiful Face and healthy body, and transfiguring one’s karma. It is essentially different from plastic surgery methods since it involves no drug, surgery, instrument or product. It is characteristically different from plastic surgery methods in that it is based on natural science, and therefore it is applicable, safe, healthy and efficient. Just with a Buddhist heart and a pair of magic hands, we can not only solve the pain of diseases, but also satisfy the need for improving the body shape and appearance, as well as the karma, "perfecting the imperfect and beautifying the ugly" instantly. It is a miracle of bodybuilding! Details are as follows:

FounderHu Xingfu

道家易整 119887

Hu Xingfu, YOM Doctor for Overseas health care of United Nations officials

Hu Xingfu Yi-ology Medicine Doctor, master of medicine, folk Yin and Yang Fengshui master, international registered practicing chief physician for traditional Chinese acupuncture and massage, physician of the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department, health manager, senior massagist, public nutritionist, and psychological consultant expert. Experienced in providing health maintenance service for UN’s oversea officers, he has been honored as outstanding talent in bone injury rehabilitation, folk Chinese medicine expert, one of top 10 contemporary Chinese national physician masters, centurial merit figure for bone injury, centurial merit figure for TCM, centurial merit figure for acupuncture,  prominent Chinese expert in spine bone setting, expert in difficult and miscellaneous diseases of TCM, expert as a famous Chinese doctor, the winner of Hua Tuo Medicine sage award, and so on.
       As the first official non-honorary expert qualified in China, he has been listed in the China National Certificate of Skills and Qualifications (CNCSQ) database as an advanced talent. At the same time, he is the president of Institute of Ancient and Modern Yi-ology Medicine, Beijing, China, chairman of the National Academic Committee for Talents in Chiropractic Medicine, vice president of National Spine Health Academic Council, deputy secretary-general of Spine Medicine Association of China, head and standing director of Tokyo Bone Injury Talent Branch, China Talent Research, the Ministry of Personnel, legal representative of Taoism YOM Appearance Shaping Tokyo, Japan, member of the Bone Injury Education Research of TCM Colleges and Universities, member of the Sexual Health Association, member of World Health Massage Professional Qualification Alliance, member of World Society of Acupuncture and Massage for Bone Injury, lecturer and assessor for National Health Massage Professional Qualification Training, and bodybuilding fitness instructor of International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness .
       Hu Xingfu inherited from his family the ancient bone setting techniques, transfiguring techniques, physiognomy, etc., and accepted oral teaching for inspiring true understanding on Buddhist and Taoist internal exercises, occult sciences, qigong practice, spells, and prayers, as well as the explicit teachings about great perfection and occult sciences of meditation in Buddhism. Since 1999, he has, through correction by Buddhist and Taoist internal exercises, collected Yin and Yang, eight trigrams, Fengshui and the essence in medical thought systems of Chinese Buddhism and Taoism. He has been invited for academic exchanges and visits in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, UAE, Brazil, Peru, and other European countries.
       Profoundly accomplished in manipulation, technique, and metaphysics, especially the enigmatical non-contacting remote therapy, he is an achiever in corresponding treatment and inheritor, innovator and leader of the " face and body shaping, spinal manipulation, and  appearance shaping " techniques of TCM. Under the guidance of YOM theory based on physiognomy, numerology and Fengshui theories, instructed by syndrome differentiation of viscera, channels and collaterals of the “YOM Face and Body Shaping”, bare hand bone setting, correction of spinal dislocation joint and manipulation of abdominal qi and blood are combined for guiding and adjusting the five elements for the body and Fengshui, and transfiguring for karma improvement. The “YOM Appearance Shaping” can not only relieve the pain, but also improve imperfect body shape and appearance and promote karma. The effective practice of “YOM Fengshui” is more marvelous in inhibiting the occurrence, development, change of diseases caused by imbalance of Yin and Yang of the human body due to environmental changes, time and space movement, natural material attributes, and so on. It investigates Yin-Yang and Fengshui environments based on homology theory of YOM for predicting and preventing convergence of human body vitality, and thus solves many difficult miscellaneous diseases in combination with regimen of Yi-ology Medicine.
       His major works include the new century textbooks on spinal manipulation, e.g. "Foundation for spinal manipulation and diagnosis of spinal diseases", "Spinal manipulation techniques", " Spinal manipulation for thoracic vertebra", "Spinal manipulation for lumbar vertebra", "Chinese massage therapy" and series of textbooks for international TCM colleges and universities (Chinese and English versions), "Diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine", "Moxibustion and acupuncture ", "TCM internal medicine ", "TCM rehabilitation", "TCM health maintenance", “TCM spinal manipulation” “Appearance Shaping with TCM Techniques”, “YOM Face and Body Shaping”, “Appearance Shaping”, “YOM Fengshui”, “YOM Health maintenance”, “How to change fate”, and so on.

A perfect combination of traditional medicine's essences

"Yin and Yang" is not only a concise summary of Yi-ology that is used to explain the law of change and development law in both nature and society, but also the basic concept of I-ching and Chinese medicine. Homology of Yi-ology and Medicine means Yi-ology and Medicine are interlinked. Yi-ology Medicine combines Yi-ching and application of TCM. Yi-ching culture from Fu Hsi is carried forward in the Yellow Emperor 's law and Tao culture and Lao-Zi's moral culture. From the combination of the dominant "wisdom civilization" and "intelligence civilization", TCM as a “neutral” civilization comes into being. The Yi-ology Medicine civilization is not only the perfection of mental strength, but also a medical way to adjust and guide the body, which is corresponding to the mind, through a scientific and rigorous medical verification system.
       “YOM Therapy” combines Buddhist medicine, Taoist medicine and TCM. It is a comprehensive therapy utilizing spells, ancient teaching methods, ancient teaching techniques, bone setting, transfiguring, qigong, acupuncture, herbal medicine, health maintenance, psychological healing and geomantic survey for disaster and disease elimination, misfortune avoidance and karma blessing.
       The principles of Buddhist medicine to understand diseases are "karma, cause leads to result and trace the result to find the cause, cure from the origin".
       “YOM Face and Body Shaping” may make qi and blood unobstructed, relieve pains, and so alleviate medical, surgical, gynecological, and pediatric diseases.
       Taoist medicine is a very ancient and mysterious medicinal system to perform dialectical therapy according to Taoist thoughts. “Irregular shape causes block of qi, and if qi passes through, the blood will flow smoothly." Features of human appearance and figure, which are corresponding to the five elements of the heaven and earth, reflect Fengshui performance on human's own body, and hold part of human luck. For “YOM Appearance Shaping changes the appearance and figure is equal to changing fortune for health.
       Environmental Fengshui may influence people's health (including genetic diseases), career, family, life, social affairs and all the rest. “YOM Fengshui” can indirectly eliminate diseases or disasters in the early stage and thus change people's future.
       YOM Health Maintenance and traditional health maintenance study are both practical disciplines that study and explain the basic theories and methods concerning laws of the generation and development of human life, prevention of diseases, improvement of health, and prolongation of lifespan.

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