YOM Face and Body Shaping, Appearance Shaping, Fengshui, Kar

With vigorous development of medical cosmetology, face and body shaping, appearance shaping, and transfiguring based on Yi-ology Medicine (YOM) come into being. Guided by the Yi-ology Medicine (YOM) theory and based on physiognomy, numerology and Fengshui theories (i.e. physiognomy, palmistry, and phrenology), YOM Face and Body Shaping, with bare hand bone-setting techniques, relieve ailments and normal deficiencies while adjusting appearance and bone type, maintaining, repairing and shaping beautiful Face and healthy body, and transfiguring one’s karma. It is essentially different from plastic surgery methods since it involves no drug, surgery, instrument or product. It is characteristically different from plastic surgery methods in that it is based on natural science, and therefore it is applicable, safe, healthy and efficient. Just with a Buddhist heart and a pair of magic hands, we can not only solve the pain of diseases, but also satisfy the need for improving the body shape and appearance, as well as the karma, "perfecting the imperfect and beautifying the ugly" instantly. It is a miracle of bodybuilding! Details are as follows:

FounderHu Xingfu

道家易整 125655
YOM Health maintenance for promoting longevity

Traditional Chinese study of health maintenance includes the theories and skills of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Medicine, and Martialism. It can be summarized as self-mastery and cultivation of both psychology and physiology of one person. Through enlightenment, we adjust the psychology unbalanced due to various factors, and through practicing skills and regulating daily life, we adjust the physiology unbalanced due to various factors. The psychology and physiology are unified in one human body, psychologically caused and mutually reinforcing. In order to prevent diseases and live a long and healthy life, traditional health science maintenance's emphasis on the dual cultivation of both psychology and physiology are determined by inherent human attributes.
      People in natural world are subject to laws of nature (living conditions, production conditions, infectious disease outbreak, environmental pollution, etc.); are definitely stricken by wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire; would inevitably experience birth, aging, illness, and death; and be limited by social and living conditions of the very era. There will always be sadness, happiness, separation, meeting, prosperity, adversity, ups and downs. These natural and social conditions more or less influence people's psychology and physiology, and if not treated correctly, will affect people's health and lifespan.
      Social progress and science development are in direct proportion to the life span of human beings. For YOM health maintenance study, the highest level is "correspondence and unity between human and universe" and the goal is to harmonize body and mind, man and society, and human and nature. In order to live a better, healthier and longer life, the YOM health maintenance study tries to adjust people's physiology and psychology naturally, e.g., through food diet, dynamic and static skills, internal and external skills, sex, daily life, qigong guidance, physiotherapy and health care, and so on.

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