YOM Face and Body Shaping, Appearance Shaping, Fengshui, Kar

With vigorous development of medical cosmetology, face and body shaping, appearance shaping, and transfiguring based on Yi-ology Medicine (YOM) come into being. Guided by the Yi-ology Medicine (YOM) theory and based on physiognomy, numerology and Fengshui theories (i.e. physiognomy, palmistry, and phrenology), YOM Face and Body Shaping, with bare hand bone-setting techniques, relieve ailments and normal deficiencies while adjusting appearance and bone type, maintaining, repairing and shaping beautiful Face and healthy body, and transfiguring one’s karma. It is essentially different from plastic surgery methods since it involves no drug, surgery, instrument or product. It is characteristically different from plastic surgery methods in that it is based on natural science, and therefore it is applicable, safe, healthy and efficient. Just with a Buddhist heart and a pair of magic hands, we can not only solve the pain of diseases, but also satisfy the need for improving the body shape and appearance, as well as the karma, "perfecting the imperfect and beautifying the ugly" instantly. It is a miracle of bodybuilding! Details are as follows:

FounderHu Xingfu

道家易整 1127860
Inheritance of marvelous ancient Chinese methods for the benefit of human beings

The “YOM Face and Body Shaping” supplements etiology of many diseases and provides new methods for treatment and improvement. It focuses on breaking the limitation of previously single treatment and provides diverse methods for clinic treatment by giving play to the directness and specificity of comprehensive treatment under the guidance of YOM theory.
       Simply speaking, guided by the theory of Yi-ology Medicine, it is to detect the morbid abnormalities in muscle and joint based on the principles of biomechanics. The spine, joints and pelvis are treated with bare hand bonesetting techniques, and the new bone shape and new life appearance are gradually formed. It aims to restore the biomechanical balance in the spine, relieve the pathological changes of acute and chronic injuries of the soft tissues around the spine (muscle, ligament, fascia, nerve, blood vessel, etc.); alleviate the nerve compression of spinal dislocation and intervertebral canal stenosis; disc herniation of cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebra and lumbar vertebra; spine related difficult and miscellaneous diseases of reproductive health and of viscera. The purpose is to smoothen qi and blood, balance Yin and Yang and so achieve an external biomechanical balance of spine and avoid pain caused by surgery and medicine. It is a unique traditional technical medicine for instant pain alleviation and treatment. " Face and Body Shaping without muscle treatment reveals ignorance of medicine, and muscle treatment without spine treatment leads to pain". When the long-term effect of some diseases is not obvious or ineffective, it is advisable to analyze and treat them from another perspective. Maybe there is a way out. With YOM Osteopathy, along with further concept and practice, its technique will bring more possibilities to medicine in the future.

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